
Install Java JRE

First, install the latest Java Runtime Environment or JDK (tested with v1.6.0.65).


In order to avoid any troubles while using Elastic Search, make sure that every node in the cluster uses the same JRE (or JDK) version.

Elastic Search requires at least Java v6 in order to run.
Ensure your JAVA_HOME environment variable is correctly set.
$ type java
  java is /usr/bin/java

$ java -version
  java version "1.6.0_65"
  Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_65-b14-462-11M4609)
  Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.65-b04-462, mixed mode)

Install Erlang

Second, the Erlang programming language needs to be installed.
WSE requires Erlang version R15B01 (recommended) or above.


Depending on your architecture (32/64-bit), download the right binary for Windows at:

Then, follow the standard install procedure using the wizzard.

Step 1/4

Install wizard for Windows
Install wizard for Windows
Please, make sure the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package has been installed on your system correctly.
For this:
a. check the Microsoft DDL’s (present) checkbox in the Erlang installer.
b. or manually download the package from the Microsoft’s download center website.

WSE will not work if the package is not found.

Step 2/4

Change the default install folder name
Pay attention to the destination folder name and select one without spaces.
Avoid: “c:\Program Files”, “c:\Program Files (x86)”, “C:\Program Files (x64)”, etc.
and prefer: c:\erl5.9.1\ for Win32 and c:\x64\erl5.9.1\ for Win64.

Step 3/4

Adjust your **Path** system environment variable
Adjust your Path system environment variable by appending the fullpath to
Erlang’s binaries: c:\erl5.9.1\bin;
Now, you can run the Erlang’s VM from everywhere.

Step 4/4

check everything's fine
The preferred way to start the Erlang system for interactive use on Windows is:
c:\> werl


Linux installation could be performed by compiling Erlang from source (advanced users)
or by installing pre-compiled binaries. This second option is highly recommended.
Binaries (.rpm, .deb) for all major distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora,
etc.) are available at:
Binaries for Linux
Repositories are also available to use with your favourite packages manager.
Repositories for Linux
Once installed, your Erlang VM should be under:
Append this to your PATH environment variable:
$ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/lib/erlang/bin
To make this persistent (system wide or user specific), use one of the following
files or better check with your distribution:
Then, give it a try;
$ erl
Hello Web Archiving on Linux


DMG install wizard is also provided to Mac users. The install procedure is almost identical to Linux.
Then, run the installer.
run OSX dmg installer
Once installed, your Erlang VM should be under:
Append this to your PATH environment variable (see above how to make it persistent):
$ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/lib/erlang/bin
Finaly, check everything’s fine:
$ erl
check Erlang on OSX

Other Operating Systems

Drop us a line if interested to use WSE on FreeBSD, SmartOS, etc. We’ll provide you with a detailed instructions and binaries.

Take a breath

Lets start with a simple demo, the famous “Hello Web Archiving”.
Save the following code in a file called: hello.erl

webarch() ->
    io:format("WSE says: Hello Web Archiving!~n"),
Then, compile and run:
c:\> erlc hello.erl
c:\> erl -noshell -s hello webarch
WSE says: Hello Web Archiving!

Any text editor for my code?

All major IDEs and text editors provide support for Erlang code.
SublimText2 in action
SublimText2 in action

Where can I get more information?

Erlang is a simple functional programming language. Even though the learning
curve is bit steep, you will get more out of it since you will be learning a
functional programming language.
Also, since Erlang was specifically designed to create reliable, highly
concurrent systems, you will learn plenty about creating highly scalable software.
Rather few, but excellent books are available out there.

Learn You Some Erlang (LYSE)

LYSE website provides one of the best, free, complete, and well presented Erlang tutorials to quickly get started.


Aleph Archives is providing a forum in which you can find valuable WSE topics, share ideas,
and ask Erlang questions related to WSE.

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