WSE Configuration

The WSE’s main configuration is file called wse.conf.
It’s located under:
Options are explained below:
   {elasticsearch, [
     %% list of "Elastic Search" running instances
     {hosts, [{"", 9200}, {"", 9201}]},

     %% an arbitrary index name
     {index_name, "wse_sample"},

     %% how many parallel requests to proceed at most?
     {max_parallel_requests, 5},

     %% backpressure
     {max_backlog, 20}
Default settings are usually good for general purposes.
But you may want to adapt them to fit your needs.
Pay attention to the key max_parallel_requests. If you increase it a lot without
enough RAM (or on slow machine), this may causes “Elastic Search” to crash.

Index Schema

You may want to adapt the main WSE’s fulltext index schema!?
If it’s the case, check the file:
For example, you can change the default language (i.e english), use a custom stop list,
apply a different Lucene analyzer/tokenizer, increase/decrease the number of shards, etc.
 "settings" : {
      "number_of_shards" : 5,
      "number_of_replicas" : 1,
      "analysis" : {
          "analyzer" : {
              "default-analyzer" :    {
                  "type" : "custom",
                  "tokenizer" : "standard",
                  "filter" : ["mystop", "mystemmer", "lowercase"]

              "lowercase_analyzer"  : {
                  "type" : "custom",
                  "tokenizer" : "lowercase",
                  "filter" : "word_delimiter"

          "filter" : {
              "mystemmer" : {
                  "type" : "stemmer",
                  "language" : "english"

              "mystop" : {
                  "type": "stop",
                  "stopwords" : ["english"]
