Deploying UXTR is as simple as copying a folder to your disk.
To ease the process, installers are available for all platforms.
2.1. Windows
Depending on your architecture (32/64-bit), download the right UXTR version for Windows.
Then, double-click the uxtr.exe installer and follow the wizard’s instructions.
Check that everything’s fine:
c:\> cd c:\uxtr-1.0
c:\uxtr-1.0> bin\uxtr.cmd --help
UXTR is installed under c:\uxtr-1.0 directory.
You’re done.
2.1.1. Minimal Requirements
- Windows Vista+ (older versions may work too)
- Symmetric MultiProcessing (SMP) support
- 32/64-bit architecture
- Windows Installer 3.1+ (should be already installed)
Recommended: Windows 7
2.2. Mac OSX
Same applies to Mac OSX.
Use the DMG installer uxtr-1.0.dmg and drag’N drop the icon to the Applications folder.
UXTR is only available for MacOSX 64-bit architecture (there’s no more support by Apple for 32-bit arch).
Check that everything’s fine:
$ cd /Applications/uxtr
$ ./bin/uxtr --help
UXTR is installed under /Applications/uxtr directory.
2.2.1. Minimal Requirements
- OSX 10.7+ (older versions may work too)
- Symmetric MultiProcessing (SMP) support
- 64-bit architecture only
Recommended: OSX Lion 10.7.5
2.3. Linux
Let’s say you want to install the 64-bit UXTR version 1.0.
Simply execute the installer and follow the instructions.
Check that everything’s fine:
$ cd $HOME/.uxtr
$ ./bin/uxtr --help
UXTR is installed under $HOME/.uxtr directory.
2.3.1. Minimal Requirements
- Linux Kernel 3.5+ (older versions may work too)
- GlibC 2.15+
- Symmetric MultiProcessing (SMP) support
- 32/64-bit architecture
Recommended: Ubuntu 12.10 LTS
2.3.2. Running Headless
If you ever need to run UXTR on a headless machine (no X server), here’s how.
First, install Xvfb (X Virtual Framebuffer) and other deps:
- Debian/Ubuntu and derivatives:
$ sudo apt-get install xvfb
$ sudo apt-get install xfonts-scalable ttf-baekmuk ttf-arphic-gbsn00lp \
ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp ttf-arphic-gkai00mp ttf-arphic-bkai00mp # optional
$ sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-x gstreamer0.10-plugins-base \
gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-good # optional
- RHL/Fedora/CentOS and derivatives:
$ sudo yum install xorg-x11-server-Xvfb xorg-x11-server-Xorg
$ sudo yum xorg-x11-fonts* # optional
Then, run it with:
$ sudo Xvfb :99 -screen 0 1024x768x24 -ac -noreset &
$ export DISPLAY=:99
$ cd $HOME/.uxtr
$ ./bin/uxtr --help
2.3.3. Package ia32
If you ever need to run a 32-bit UXTR version on 64-bit machine, the ia32 package contains runtime libraries
for the ia32/i386 architecture, configured for use on an amd64 or ia64 Linux system running a 64-bit kernel.
Install the following packages.
- Debian/Ubuntu and derivatives:
$ sudo sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
- RHL/Fedora/CentOS and derivatives:
$ sudo yum install xulrunner.i686 # a hack to get all ia32 deps