The “Web Archiving Bucket” is an initiative launched by Aleph Archives, to preserve data and provide national libraries, corporates, and organizations with free-to-use web archiving tools and components.
This initiative was launched after studying the needs in data preservation as well as the challenges encountered during not only the harvesting process but also the quality of the archives and its access time.
The Web Archiving Bucket provides set of tools to help archivists and professionals in their daily work.

UXTR is a cross-platform Erlang based RESTful Web Service that lets you extract links from any webpage. Such a service is mainly used to develop Web Crawlers backed on High-Quality Web Archives.
Web archiving is becoming more popular and new websites requires a new technology. We have taken all the ingredients that made our Entreprise-grade web archiving platform CAMA® the leading solution in the market to create a simple, easy to use and powerful solution that will allow you to archive any website with the highest quality.
WARC Software Developement Kit (WSDK) represents a set of simple, compact, and highly optimized Erlang modules to manipulate the WARC ISO 28500:2009 file format.
WSDK allows you to quickly build robust Web Archiving softwares in no time.
Valeo is an Erlang behaviour that allows its users to monitor and control external programs on Windows and UNIX-like operating systems.
Quartz is a pure Erlang library for time management. It is meant to be a one stop library providing an intuitive API for timing and job scheduling on Windows and UNIX-like operating systems.
A cross-platform Erlang application programming interface and tool used to convert between different character encodings.

Coming Soon...

Coming Soon...

Coming Soon...
Cobalt is a scalable playback machine for web archives that requires no configuration. The first release is already shipped with KEN. The standalone version is under active development. Feel free to ask if you want to give it a try.
1. What is WAB?
WAB is an initiative from Aleph Archives to help the web archiving community with tools and software libraries specifically tailored to deal with the challenges of professional web archiving.
2. Is WAB an open source project?
No, it is not.
3. Will the source code be open for the available tools and APIs?
This is a frequently asked question and the answer is: Yes ... if an interest and a community is built around them. By this, we mean an moderately active mailing list, bug reports, enhancement requests, doc fixes, etc.
4. Can I use the tools and/or APIs in my proprietary software?
Yes you can. Permission is granted to anyone to use them for any purpose, including commercial applications. All included examples are under MIT License. See License page
5. Is there any commercial support?
Private consulting is available upon request by Aleph Archives team. See Support page